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大学院特別講義第2回 "Now and then"A short introduction to Polish poster, illustration and animation.

2015年5月22日 (金) 投稿者: メディアコンテンツコース

5月7日よりメディア学部に滞在して、講義、演習などの調査をしているポーランドの大学からお見えになっているPawel Synowiec先生に次のような講演をお願いいたしました。
2015年6月1日月曜日 5時間目 (曜日が月曜日ですので注意してください)
片柳研究所 KE203
Pawel Synowiec先生
the Faculty of Games and Virtual Environments Design at The University of Silesia
Cieszyn, Poland)
"Now and then"
A short introduction to Polish poster, illustration and animation.




I will start from discussing polish poster design. I am going to show examples of Polish School of Poster dated 60' to 80' ( Starowiejski, Lenica, wierzy, Starowyeski, Kalarus etc.).

I want to compare them with some posters made by a new generation of polish artists (Drewiski, Skorwider, Kubica, Bajtlik, Skakun, 0tto-Wegrzyn and more)
Then a few old illustrations from such great artists as Flisak, Szancer, Witwicki, Berezowska and more).
In comparison I would like to show some illustrations mainly made recently by young polish artists.
At last I am going to show some old short animations from the masters of polish animation like Rybczyski, Lenica, Antoniszczak, Dumaa etc. I am also going to give the students a quick look into what is happening now in this field in Poland.



Professor Pawel Synowiec graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow at the Faculty of Graphic Design in Katowice branch with honours in 2000. He got PhD in Fine Arts from the Institute of Art in Cieszyn in 2008.

His main fields of interests are poster designing and 3D. He have been teaching as a lecturer at The University of Silesia at The Institute of Art in Cieszyn since 2004. I also worked as a teacher in Secondary School of Art in Zabrze for more than 10 years.

He run many courses and workshops at The Academy of Bussines in Dąbrowa Górnicza and WST in Katowice teaching such programs as Softimage, 3ds Max, Mudbox, Photoshop and Corel. I share my knowledge with others with enthusiasm and passion.

Professor Pawel Synowiec served an internship at The London Metropolitan University on December 2013. I spent a month there observing the teaching process at The Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing.

メディア学部メディアコンテンツコース 近藤邦雄




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