Introduction to Media Science and University Guide of Tokyo University of Technology
2017年1月22日 (日) 投稿者: メディアコンテンツコース
■Introduction to School of Media Science
The newly evolved School of Media Science now consists of three attractive new courses. As the first of its kind to be established in Japan, the school has continued to develop revolutionary education and research, but with this renewal, the School of Media Science will offer an even more diverse array of basic media expertise and technical education, with a focus on nurturing richly creative individuals who promise to support the social media of the 21st century.
■Introduction to Graduate school, Media Science program (Video in English)
The Media Science Program aims to educate students to become media experts equipped with theory and skills in the expression, service, and distribution of media content.
■University Guide (e-book)
●Introduction to Graduate school, Media Science program (Video in English)
●Introduction to Research of Graduate school, Media Science program (Video in English)
●International Collaboration (Video in English)
●Presentation No.1 (Game design research)
●Presentation No.2 (Camera work research)
KONDO Kunio (Media Science Program)
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