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チュラロンコン大学 Institute of Thai Studiesの先生方の訪問

2017年6月21日 (水) 投稿者: メディアコンテンツコース

2017年6月15日にタイのチュラロンコン大学 Institute of Thai Studiesの次の先生方が八王子キャンパスのメディア学部にお見えになりました. 
1. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Suchitra Chonstitvatana, Director.
2. Assoc.Prof. Ritirong Jiwaganon, Deputy Director for International Affairs.
3. Dr.Pram Sounsamut, Deputy Director for Research Affairs.
4. Assist.Prof.Dr. Arthit Thongtak, Deputy Director for Administrative Affairs.

■Institute of Thai Studiesの紹介:

Our Institute of Thai Studies is a research institute in Chulalongkorn university where our research interests are focused on literary studies and cultural anthropology in Thai and Tai culture and also including ASEAN or ASIA region.

Although our institute was established for more than 30 years, it was promoted to be a Research Institute under the support of Chulalongkorn University a few years ago.


■Institute of Thai Studiesの海外大学との提携活動推進:
Thus, we are now trying to promote our institute to be known by other oversea universities or research institutes. As we are new, we would like to link our institute with a renowned research unit. Therefore, One of our mission is to find a possibility in making an academic collaboration.

we are organizing an international symposium during this coming August 7-8th. The theme of the symposium is "Leisure". For my understanding, Computer Graphic and Japanese Animation is a kind of Leisure (or Culture) that make a big influence to people in the world.





メディア学部 近藤邦雄




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